Hartcliffe City Farm is open every day
We’re open to the public 7 days a week from 9 am to 4 pm.
Thanks to an anonymous donor, the roof of the playful barn is now fixed. We are so excited to welcome you all back. The playful barn is free to all and open 9-4 (the farm opening hours).
The Hay Bale Café is returning to the café trailer this weekend and will be open 9-4 Saturday, Sunday and Monday each week (with the occasional special opening for holidays).
Half term update – in addition, the Hay Bale CafĂ© will also be open Mon 17th and Thurs 20th Feb 10am to 3pm.
Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram accounts for regular updates.
Dates for your diary
Latest news
Supper Club special Burns Night
Supported Placements available on Heart of BS13’s flower farm
Half Term
Thank you
Any project like this needs financial support to get it off the ground. We’re exceptionally grateful to the following organisations who have already pledged or given support to the project.